Saturday 7 March 2009

Point Juncture WA

In the same way that others seem to have a bit of an obsession with bands from Leeds (step forward Mr Dany Sloan ' Exitfare ) I have to 'fess up to something similar for bands from the NW USA - Seattle/Portland etc.

New to me is Point Juncture, WA hailing from Portland, thanks to Burn the Bowery for the trigger. Whilst I am in confessional mode I had better admit to not being a big fan of female vocals in a band setting (sorry, its just how it is, not anti-girlie or anything...). But here Alison Spring and Victor Nash share and blend their vocals in a way that fits PJ's music perfectly.

The band has apparently been around for five years or so and their latest release, Heart to Elk, is their third self released offering and re-released courtesy of Mt Fuji Records (available on iTunes, streamed off their web site and for sale via Amazon). In addition to the usual instruments you get to hear a bit of vibraphone, some brass and the like, that really add colour and depth to their sound and their melodies.

A personal favourite is Sioux Arrow with its insistent drum drive, some fab loopy distorted guitar and echoey Rhodes-type piano sound contributing to the great aural atmosphere - grand stuff. The video is a slightly mad mix of home vid footage, local shots and live footage.

SIOUX ARROW from Hart Ryan Noecker on Vimeo.

Myspace Point Juncture, WA
Web Site Point Juncture WA

1 comment:

Dany said...

haha I just my name mentioned here! Yes I do love me some West Yorkshire bands....